How TCA peels compare to other chemical peels
A TCA peel is a light-to-medium strength peel. There are different types of chemical peels which vary according to their specific ingredients and strength. The depth of the peel is determined by a number of factors including how long the peel is left on the skin and whether it is applied lightly or rubbed more vigorously onto the skin.
In addition to the face, TCA is also applied on the neck and other areas that have been exposed to the sun. TCA peels are often preferred for small areas, like around the mouth and eyes, because the TCA formula has less bleaching effect than some other peels. This can also make TCA peels a better option for patients with darker skin.
Mild TCA peels can be repeated frequently in order to achieve cumulative effects, or TCA can be used to achieve a medium or even a deep peel, depending on the acid concentration and manner of application.
Who should consider a TCA peel?
If you have any of the following conditions you might be a good candidate for a TCA peel:
- wrinkled or sun-damaged facial skin
- vertical wrinkles around your mouth
- "crow's feet" lines around your eyes
- fine wrinkling of your upper eyelids
- brown spots or blotchy skin color
- certain precancerous skin growths
- acne or chicken pox scars
- superficial facial scars from a past injury
Like the other resurfacing methods, the TCA peel is effective in treating wrinkles, blotchiness or age spots, and scars from acne or other causes. Certain other characteristics of your skin, such as its thickness and texture, may influence whether you are a good candidate for this chemical peel.
Please contact us for a free consultation!